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Félicien Comtat

comtat (at) math (dot) uni (dash) bonn (dot) de

PERSONAL                                  MATHEMATICS


I am currently a postdoc in Bonn University, working with Valentin Blomer. Previously, I completed my PhD thesis and a short postdoc at Queen Mary University of London under the supervision of Abhishek Saha. I am interested in number theory, and I am currently working on various analytic aspects of automorphic forms. Here is my CV.

Scientific works

Published versions might differ substantially from arxiv versions.





I have been a teaching assistant at QMUL for the following courses.

I have also been a demonstrator at QMUL for Complex variables (Lecturer: Dr Mira Shamis), and a tutor at King's College London for Introduction to Number Theory (Lecturer: Dr Steve Lester).

Administration and services

I am a Royal Institution speaker, and an AMS reviewer.

Last update: 13/03/2025